Monday, May 30, 2011

Back to the music for now!

This video shows yours truly playing a Native American style flute carved from part of a tree branch. The composition is original: "Flight of the eagle". Enjoy!

Here's a second flute. It is not quite finished but I doubt the sound will change much once the flute is done. All the instrument needs is a coat or two of shellac, along with leather strap to hold the wood block in place.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Still, still more denizens

Creepy hands:

Another mouse one. This video was inspired by gazing at a bottle of Scope and considering a variation of the word "mouth wash."

Hoopster kitty

 Cartoon version of "Mouseboat"

 Cool cat on drums

 Dog sled

Furby Flies Frequently!

Mouse Bassist

Yoyo Mouse

Son of Yoyo Mouse!

 "When Johnny comes marching home" parody, as performed by a guitar playing mouse and a crew of marching ants.

"She'll be comin' round the mountain," from a mouse's point of view.

Another song by and for mice: the Punkrat theme song!

 What happens when a mouse is chased up a  tree.

Mice singers/singing mice, whatever.

Guitar playing mouse and  a couple of potty mouthed parrots:

dancing dog

puppy at play