Sunday, October 10, 2010

Native American flutes

Besides the Anasazi flute (also known as the Kokopelli flute), there is another kind of flute associated with Native Americans: the courting or love flute. This instrument features two sound holes. The first hole directs air from the end of mouthpiece under a wood block tied to the body of the flute. The block is carved to resemble a totem animal. The airstream is forced through a space between the block and the flute, by way of a gasket, over the front edge of the second or "true sound hole." Some Native American flutes have five finger holes, consistent with the pentatonic scale typical of Native American music. Finger holes may vary in size and position. Since rulers and precise measuring devices were not necessarily available many years ago, native craftsmen used their fingers, hands and arms to measure finger hole distances, flute lengths and other values. The above is a Cedar flute made from a kit. I used my fingers and hands to position the various holes.

Now here is a flute made from wood inner corner or cove molding. Molding can be found at a Home improvement store such as Home Depot.

Wood blocks are usually tied onto the body of the flute with leather straps. I use chamois instead. Here are a couple more videos, showing similar flutes built from molding, as well as dowels and pieces of lumber.

Here's a Native American style flute I made from what I call fallen bamboo. In other words, the bamboo was growing locally but parts died off. This piece was from a bamboo stand located in front of a science museum not far from where I live. I consider this piece a lucky find.

Here's another flute made from fallen bamboo.

I also made three flutes from fallen branches. The inspiration came from a book explaining how to go about making such flutes. It happens two of the three reliably make sounds so I include them in this blog.

Now here is a PVC flute made in the style of the Native American flute, with a PVC "fetish" consisting of a two inch section of pipe cut vertically on one side to make sliding over the body of the pipe easier. A section of cork, whittled to fit the inside of the pipe, serves as a plug to divert air through the first sound hole, through the slit between the "fetish" and body of the flute and over the true sound hole.

Now here is  PVC flute made in the Native American style. This flute is from a kit I bought recently at a Music Festival. I made the flute on Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 so it is finished and ready to play.

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